The toll plaza
The toll plaza of 18 lanes, 9 lanes per direction of travel (numbered from 1 to 9), which incidentally groups collection for both travel directions into 1 place, is located on the left bank of the Scheldt. The lanes are equipped with automatic height detection that automatically determines the category of the vehicle.
- Category 1: Vehicle lower than 3 meters
- Category 2: Vehicle higher than or equal to 3 meters

- Lanes reserved for cash payments.
- Category 1 & 2.

- Lanes for subscribers.
- Lanes for contactless payments using bank and credit cards.
- Lanes for vehicles equipped with an OBU.
- No ticket available.
- Category 1.

- Lanes for subscribers.
- Lanes for vehicles equipped with an OBU.
- Category 1 & 2.

- Lanes for subscribers.
- Lanes for contactless payments using bank, credit and fuel cards.
- Lanes for vehicles equipped with an OBU.
- Category 1 & 2.

- Lanes for subscribers..
- Lanes for contactless payments using bank, credit and fuel cards.
- Lanes for vehicles equipped with an OBU.
- Category 2.

- Exceptional transport must use lane 1.