NV Tunnel Liefkenshoek | Veilig en comfortabel door Antwerpen Menu

Safe and comfortable through Antwerp

When determining the category of vehicles at the Liefkenshoek Tunnel, only the total height of the vehicle is taken into account. The limit is 3 meters. Vehicles with a total height of 3 meters or more fall under category 2 (this covers vehicles such as larger vans, vans with roof load, mobile homes, ...).

Other criteria (number of axles, use, height, weight, type of driving license or a combination thereof) are not used to define a category!

Prices 2025

The prices for 2025 will not change compared to the prices of 2024!
Category 1 (24/7) Category 2 (06u01-21u59) Category 2 (22u00-06u00)
Teletolbadge & OBU € 4,00 € 16,00 € 4,00
Bank-Tank-Creditcard (automatically) € 5,60 € 19,90 € 5,60
Bank-Tank-Creditcard (by toll collector) € 7,00 € 19,90 € 7,00
Cash € 7,00 € 22,00 € 7,00

Top 5 frequently asked questions

How do I become a customer?

You fill in the application online and pay the deposit of € 40 per Teletol badge. After approval of your request, the Teletol badges will be sent to you via DPD.

Click here to become a customer.

Is the Teletol badge linked to a vehicle and / or person?

No, the Teletol badge is only linked to the customer number. Other data such as user, license plate, ... are not registered.

How do I request extra Teletol badges as a customer?

Click here to order additional Teletol badges.

How do I change my account number?

Fill in the mandate form below with your new bank details, sign the document and email it to klantenservice@liefkenshoektunnel.be.
The data can only be amended after receipt of the aforementioned mandate.

Mandate Sepa

Which vehicles fall under category 1 and category 2?

When determining the category of vehicles at the Liefkenshoek Tunnel, only the total height of the vehicle is taken into account. The limit is 3 meters. Vehicles with a total height of 3 meters or more fall under category 2 (this covers vehicles such as larger vans, vans with roof load, mobile homes, ...).

Other criteria (number of axles, use, height, weight, type of driving license or a combination thereof) are not used to define a category!